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You’ve Been feeling it too, haven’t you?
Something is off.
Your clothes never wear as well the next day.
Your hair never falls in quite the same way.*
Even your coffee tastes…wrong.
Our institutions are crumbling.
Nobody trusts their neighbor anymore.
And you stay up at night wondering…
how can we get back?

Every rejection, every disappointment… has led you here to this moment.

Join us for a night of revelry that encourages tapping into the “what ifs…” Where trusting your neighbor becomes your only way to make it through. Where random acts of kindness and silliness are not just welcome, but encouraged. Where maybe, just maybe, we see a little less of the crumbling, and find a little more of something to love.

We may never get back, but we can certainly come together.

It’s time to verse jump.

All the essentials to prep.

  • You and two to five of your closest folks! Other participants in attendance - beyond you and your “chosen family” - will be folks from Halloweens past… a friend, friend of a friend, or future friend.

  • This isn’t your average Halloween party. Or even just a raucous costume contest. It’s more of a movement. Some might even say cult-like, with an eight year history under our belt. Revel with custom scavenger hunting, facilitated entertainment, on-theme drinks, interactive installations, and more in unique spaces… for a night you surely won’t forget.

    Inspired by both previous formats as well as the film Everything Everywhere All At Once, this year’s experience will have three parts:

    Part I: Everything will be a scavenger hunt designed by Alex M.W. Morrison with support from Chris Kuryak and other collaborators. You will complete this portion with your chosen team. Along the way, you will interact with local artists, businesses, strangers, other teams, and one another.

    Part II: Everywhere will be a party-like experience you discover when you’ve successfully completed Part I, designed by Kate Murray with support from Chris Kuryak and other collaborators. You’ll have the opportunity to connect more deeply with your own team as well as all other participants!

    Part III: All At Once will begin with an experience at the end of Part II., and be completed fully at a time of your choosing, sometime in the future after the night we gather. You’ll be invited to connect more deeply with yourself — whether in this universe, or an alternate one.

    Additional details will be illuminated and revealed in due course. No matter what, you get to be surprised and delighted. Not knowing exactly what you’re getting into is part of the fun!

    But if you need a read on the vibes, reflect back on the years we slayed with Buffy or built better worlds in the Alien and Predator universe.

  • What is Halloween without some suspense? Registered participants will find out the exact location of the starting point through the mailed delivery of an item to their “team captain” within the week of October 21st, in the few days leading up to the event date. Rest assured that the central Austin location is easily accessible. To discover the locations of Parts II and III, you will have to successfully complete Part I.

  • Saturday 10/28/22
    Check In 6:30 - 7:00 pm
    Experience 7:00 pm - 1:00 am

    Check in is required; if you arrive after 7 pm, you are not guaranteed the ability to participate. Part I. will begin at 7 pm and end at approximately 9 pm for all participants. Completing Part I will be essential to finding and accessing Parts II and III from 9 pm to 1 am. The prize ceremony will take place around midnight, and Part III. will begin just at the end, around 12:45 am.

  • Because it’s time to honor and release your “alternate dimensions” – the lives you didn’t live, the people you’ve lost, the hopes you let go of. This is a gathering for those interested in genuine connection, who will relish random acts of kindness, and who won’t hesitate to do something out of the ordinary.

  • RSVP using the form at the bottom of this page ASAP! Ticket pricing is detailed below, and the limited capacity is filled on a first-come, first served basis.

    As of now, we have reached capacity and registration is closed. If you’d like to join the waitlist for a chance to join if spots open up, please completed the form below.

Our stack of receipts shows the ups and downs of our creative life... Ticket income has never translated to profit. It simply offsets the significant costs incurred to bring this immersive experience to life, the vast majority of which go to local artists and small businesses.

REvel | $90 per person

This includes access to all three parts of the experience: Everything, Everywhere, and All at Once, as well as an open bar during Part II. All for less than it costs to get your laundry and taxes done!

RACCACOONIE | $150 per person

Everything noted above AND you’ll get a custom dining experience folded in. This can be added on for any individual (i.e. does not have to be a team-level commitment). A minimum of ten participants in TOTAL (amidst all participants, not your group) must opt-in to activate this level.

* We have reached capacity and registration is closed. If you’d like to join the waitlist in the chance that spots become available, please complete the form below.

** If pricing is a barrier to your participation in any way, PLEASE do not hesitate to contact me for for alternate arrangement and trade options (more info in FAQ, below)! We want to see you there.



“We’re all small and stupid.” Reading up on these makes you a little less so.

  • This year, the overall format is returning to a flow more akin to “The Slaying” in 2021. In other words: a walkable scavenger hunt you have to solve in order to find the party, instead of all activities condensed to a single venue like “Building Better Worlds” in 2022.

    The most notable differences from either of the past two years are:

    1) The hunt will have both a designated start time AND a designated end time.

    2) Within the set time frame, you will be able to be complete the hunt in any order, rather than on a set directional path or within one specific narrative order.

    3) We will not be using Goosechase. A different app will be utilized. Details will be shared with team captains via email in the week of October 21st.

    4) No single collaborator knows every thing about all three parts. Our universes are colliding, and we will be both organizers AND participants.

    You can still expect an unforgettable, immersive experience amidst a gathering of great folx :)

  • We suggest you remedy that ASAP!

    If you somehow sneak in without familiarity, though, you’re in for a treat regardless. As with years past (Lord of the Flies, Logan’s Run, Clue, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, etc.), no prior knowledge is absolutely required for participation. It just makes it all the more enjoyable!

  • A costume, DUH! They're REQUIRED. Keep in mind the nature of the event: very active. Comfy shoes are highly recommended at minimum, and general comfort moving around quite a bit is a good idea. Your costume is absolutely NOT required to be "on theme" - and in fact creativity outside of the theme is highly encouraged. See costume contest categories (below) for more.

  • A variety of prizes will be made available to participants, with three ways to win (none of which are mutually exclusive).

    Costume Contest
    You can win in one of six categories:
    > The Spookiest
    > Most Creative
    > Most Obscure
    > Best Couple / Group
    > Wild Card
    > Best Multiverse (i.e. a costume that wonderfully mashes together two separate worlds - think “Doctor Stranger Things” or “Michael Myers of Wayne’s World” or “Peter Pan’s Labyrinth”)

    Team Prizes
    Three team prizes will be determined based on team performance amidst the hunt portion (Part I. Everything). It is NOT a race; winning a prize will not determined by speed or “place.” The teams with the deepest level of engagement with the missions as well as other participants during the designated hunt time frame will not only have a better time, but will increase their chances at winning. More details on how to win are contained within the PDF guide shared with team captains the week of October 21st.

    Audited of the Month
    This is an entirely new, entirely unique way to win. This prize will go to the individual or team who left the most outstanding voicemail for their tax representative.

    Prizes will be presented amidst Part II., around midnight.

  • Yes! You’re welcome to partake in paid options you come across amidst Part I.

    Amidst Part II., there will also be an open bar with a variety of predominately alcoholic options available.

  • If you proceed with the Revel ticket level, eating dinner prior to the event is recommended, though you will have the opportunity to purchase a snack during Part I., and a vending machine will be available during Part II.

    If you proceed with the Raccacoonie ticket level, dinner will be included, albeit slightly later than you may be used to (ETA 9:30 pm), so you may want to have a snack before departing!

  • This event is 21+. Teens age 13 or older may be welcome on special consideration; please inquire via the contact form. Kids under the age of 13 are not allowed.

    Dogs are NOT allowed this year. Only certified service animals, if required, may gain entry.

    • The item your team captain received in the mail in the week preceding the event!

    • Your Phone, ID, wallet, and any other essentials.

    • A flashlight, and bike lights (if riding).

    • A designated driver, if you’re coming to / fro in a car!

    • A negative COVID test result from within the last 24 hours (rapid result accepted).

    • An adventurous attitude!

      * Also check out “What are the rules? And COVID precautions?” for greater clarity on what NOT to bring.

  • Public transport, ride share, bikes, or otherwise to the starting point are a GREAT idea. Gold stars for you.

    If driving, we HIGHLY recommend that you carpool with your team in one single car. This will not only help with parking, but improve your camaraderie!

    Once at the starting point, all the locations are within a half mile radius. The longest foreseeable walking distance is 11 minutes, though the experience lasts ~2 hours. Like time, the challenge stops are nonlinear, so you can choose your own path, which could influence your transport choice. Plan your method of getting around with what feels right for your group - but it definitely is walking / biking friendly!

  • Check-in will be at a designated place (the address of which is revealed in the item your team captain receives in the mail the week preceding the event). An orientation email to the team captain will also cover any final logistics and get you on your way for Part I.

    We aren’t assigning staggered start times like we did the Buffy year. Check in will begin at 6:30 pm and close at 7:00 pm. Your ENTIRE team needs to be present in order to check in; you will get sent to the back of the line if all participants are not present. Arriving early & coordinating is recommended!

  • You and your guests are expected to uphold the high standards of this gathering by respecting other participants, the spaces you occupy, the performers and collaborators within them, and the amount of thought and care that goes into every aspect of the design.

    Participants are welcome to set and communicate their own boundaries for safety and comfort during the experience, and opt out where necessary. Other participants should be receptive to these requests.

    > Real weapons of any kind, whether concealed or not.
    > Loose glitter.
    > Any fire or smoke-creating implements.

    We reserve the right to update the prohibited items list at ANY time, including night of.

    Additionally, you cannot join if:
    > You have not signed the Safety Waiver.
    > You have not provided proof of a negative COVID-19 test result from within the last 24 hours (if rapid at-home result) or 72 hours (if PCR). If a rapid at home result, it should be a photo of the results of test, taken within the last 24 hours. If a PCR test, it should be a screenshot of the results from a test taken within the last 72 hours.
    > You've had a fever, cough, or any COVID like symptoms, and/or tested positive for COVID within 2 weeks preceding the event.

    All participants and performers must follow all other safety instructions and rules provided day of.

    Due to these measures, masks are optional but absolutely welcome should you choose to use one. We will also not be asking for vaccination cards - just evidence of the negative test.

    In registering, you agree to follow these rules as well as any additional specifics provided before or during the event itself.

    Anyone found to be breaking the rules will be eliminated. Just kidding. Sort of. You'll have to leave, you'll forfeit your registration fee, and you’ll likely never be asked to join again.

  • Unlike a come-as-you-will party, many components of this immersive experience rely on accurate numbers and a solid read of who will be in attendance. Registration is just a fancy RSVP in connection with a ticket purchase, in order to ensure this is as epicly fun as it is meant to be. Also, a multi-layered production is ~ wow v shocking ~ much more complicated to arrange than a drunken party at our house. You or any guest cannot “just show up” day of.

  • Team sizes this year will ideally be a minimum of three and a maximum of six people.

    In an ideal world, upon receiving your invite and reviewing this page, you’ll rally with your friends, decide who is taking the lead on registering, and book for all of you at once. i.e., one person will submit the form and process payment, pass along any pertinent info we share, and y’all will work out any pay backs amidst yourselves.

    In reality, sometimes you don’t all link up right off the bat! Especially if you’re wanting to claim a spot without waiting on someone else who might be dilly dallying. That’s OK! There is the possibility to merge your RSVPs into a team after registering. But the team size maximums still apply.

    For example, if you register for yourself, and know of two others who registered, and you want to request to be on a team together, great! Note it on your RSVP or contact me. Or, you may register for four and realize that two friends registered separately, and want to link into a team of six. Both work.

    On the other end — you may just want to register solo, or as a duo, and not have any others you’re rallying to join you to hit the three to six count. That’s also A-OK! Just be aware that you may be paired up with another small group in a kind and curated fashion, so that your team size lands in the recommended zone necessary for flow!

    In the end, we need to land within a certain range for the total number of teams. While we expect to land in the right place naturally, we may contact you if we need to merge or split any teams at the final stage of registration. Some final teams may fluctuate between two to eight depending on the needs of our planning.

  • To put it simply: demand has exceeded supply. Last year over 320 people participated — and the waitlist went on longer. To maintain the quality of experience, as well as recalibrate what’s sustainable for the organizers, this year, capacity is limited to a maximum of 108 people.

    Yes, you read that right: we’re cutting it down to a third. That’s why it’s first come, first served.

    So you best move fast!

  • Registration was expected to close at midnight on September 30th. It was extended to 5 pm CST on the evening of Sunday October 15th to allow the opportunity to claim a few final openings. These spots have been filled and registration is now closed. To join the waitlist for the potential of inclusion should spots open up, please submit the form at the bottom of this page.

  • I value the contributions of the artists, collaborators, and small businesses involved, and eventually hope to support my year-round, volunteered time that goes into creating to this event, but I completely understand that everyone is facing different circumstances, and sometimes, budgets are simply tight! I will most certainly consider sliding scales and/or trades and/or payment plans to ensure that this gathering is accessible to all. In particular, I’m currently recruiting individuals to assist with prep the day prior to the event, and the 1 hour clean up & load out at the end of the party. If you’d like to explore options, include a quick note on your registration form, and I’ll get in touch before initiating any kind of payment request. Don’t hesitate or feel any guilt or shame! I’m happy to work things out and make sure you and any of your desired guests can be a part.

  • Most likely not, unless you joined a team in a different way! You / your team are only confirmed as registered once you’ve completed the form and processed payment which follows form submission.

  • You’re too late :) A decision on whether your submitting early or filing an appeal has been made for your team and will impact your experience in Part One.

    Those who submitted their voicemails get a gold star in addition to the extra joy of experience, and one lucky winner will be bestowed the “Audited of the Month” prize for the best performance provided to their tax representative.

what did i enjoy the most? every single moment. queeriest. happiest. really fucking special. <3 and omg the band! what!!! it was the most kickass party i have ever been to. no fucking doubt about it.”
— Past Attendee

